This is a self improvement blog that is written by life coach Andrew Carlson. He mentors people in the Friends in Film program along with other people searching to find themselves. Make sure to subscribe for new posts, giveaways, and more!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Finding Myself


I have been living in Los Angeles for over a year now and I am here to tell you that you can lose who you really are out here. I was too focused on working in the film industry and finding love that I lost myself along the way. I still have remnants of what I used to be but maybe this is just the way we transform in our early twenties. It's funny that whatever you put the most focus on, you will attract. It's simple, it's the LAW OF ATTRACTION at work!

So here I am, just about to turn twenty two years old and starting over again to build the blocks of gratitude up. I thought that I was already working in the film industry and I found the love of my life that I could just be on coast for a while. I was but I didn't expect the abrupt stop that came my way. I had a steady 2011 and half of 2012 but then it all came crashing down. Another test had come my way and I failed miserably.

I stopped feeling gratitude and practicing gratitude in my every day life. I focused on the lack instead of abundance. I started to complain daily about how the work was slowing down. I complained about not feeling 100% happy. I complained DAILY instead of the way I used to be and saying "Thank You" for any minor bump in the road. In New Orleans, I got off one film and didn't have any other prospects. The next week I got a phone call while I had to attend a family emergency in Minnesota asking me if I could start work when I returned on another feature film! It was fantastic! After that film, I packed up my bags and headed out west where I had another job working with a three time Oscar award winning special effects make up artist and work on the show "Face-Off"! That job went away because I was just on coast. I was out in LA living in Santa Rosa Valley with a good friend because I couldn't afford life on my own just yet.

That job ended and I had no prosects. This went on for about a month until I had about two dollars left in my bank account and my phone was disconnected. I used my friend's phone to call a company about a position that I was hired for a week later. Nine months later, I was thrown back into the freelance world. I got a couple gigs here and there but now I'm on empty. I have unemployment coming in that only pays most of my bills. It doesn't pay for my phone. So who knows if I'll be able to continue with it.

This post isn't for sympathy. This post is to show you that living life in gratitude, practicing it daily, and focusing on what you DO want while looking at the good in every "hiccup" in life is truly remarkable. It's the miracle of life. This isn't about luck, this isn't about a get rich quick scheme. Trust me, I've done them all to try to make a quick buck.

This is my journey that I'm going to share with you on a daily basis. Some posts may be shorter and some may be longer. But I am going to really keep you up to date on my life while I publicly show you that the Law of Attraction is powerful. Rhonda Byrnes has a new book from "The Secret" collection called "THE MAGIC". It's a 28 day journey building up the blocks of gratitude so that you are aligned with intention and The Universe.

I will publicly tell you how my life changes from what little I have to the amazing life that I WILL have. You can't just day dream/visualize all day on the couch while sipping coffee. You actually have to put into action everything you want to accomplish but don't worry about HOW everything is going to happen. Just know that one day SOON; I will not only be a super wealthy man, but I be living the life I've always dreamed of. Wealth isn't just measured by the amount of money in my bank account, there's WAY more to life than that. Wealth counts in happiness, money, love, and the overall justification of your life. Just because someone is a millionaire doesn't make that person wealthy.

Remember, to have everything you desire, you have to have a clear plan on what you want. So I am working on a vision board as well as writing down what I want in each area of my life in my gratitude journal.

Here's to the next 28 days! After that is the true test. Can I keep this up for the rest of my life?

"Oh, sure! You betcha!"

Light, Love, and Blessings.

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