This is a self improvement blog that is written by life coach Andrew Carlson. He mentors people in the Friends in Film program along with other people searching to find themselves. Make sure to subscribe for new posts, giveaways, and more!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Day One: Gratitude Journal

I hit rock bottom. Everything I worked for seemed to unweave itself in a matter of just a couple months. I just sat there thinking to myself, how am I going to have enough food to eat since all of my unemployment was going to bills. I had a production job that I drove almost 200-300 miles/day for 6 straight months. I kept giving thanks to that car so it wouldn't break down right away but it lasted until month five. I had to buy a new car and for months I was focusing on a Bentley Continental GTC White Convertible. The only car I could afford was a convertible. I laughed so hard because the world was letting me test a car to see if I loved a convertible first since I've never had one. Of course as soon as I lost my job, I spent time complaining and I couldn't see the good in this opportunity.

Now, after searching for a full week/12 hours a day looking for at home jobs so I wouldn't have to drive or serving jobs (even though I would feel like a failure/feel like I was back peddling). I applied to hundreds of positions. Nothing. So I picked up "The Magic" and realized I need to change ME.

I truly recommend this book just based on the knowledge spoken about in it. Reading between the lines and the layout of this book is truly one of a kind. I'm not going to tell you everything that's in the book otherwise I'd get in trouble with the law. I'm just telling you my story from using this book. So throughout this book are quotes but one quote is focused on the most.

"Whoever has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him."

That quote is from the Gospel Matthew in the Holy Scriptures. Except it feels... incomplete. There's a word missing that's talked about in the book and the word is GRATITUDE. So it should read like:

"Whoever has GRATITUDE will be given more, and he/she will have an abundance. Whoever does not have GRATITUDE, even what he has/she will be taken from him/her."

This is like the Mecca of a lot of religions. It is stated in most of the scriptures that believe in a "God" or one higher being. Whether in the Holy Bible, The Koran, Secret Scrolls, etc. It's the same premise, just stated differently.

So for day one, I had to figure out how I wanted my life to be. What do I want to be, where do I want to go, what kind of house I want, where I want my health to be, where I want to raise my family and with whom, etc. I also had to write 10 things I was grateful for and why in a journal. Every day for the next 28 days I have to write 10 things I am grateful for and why FIRST thing in the morning. Then I have to repeat each statement back out loud or in my head, FEELING gratitude in every word, and stating THANK YOU 3 times after each statement. Then I also re-read them at night RIGHT before bed. For the first 12 days, it has to be for something I ALREADY have. It's about feeling gratitude for everything I have. Let me tell you, there are thousands of reasons to be grateful on a daily basis.

How did I feel after the first day? I felt amazing when I woke up and felt amazing when I went to sleep. Did anything in my life change? Only inner self. I felt a little happier and felt more at peace with where my life is at the moment. Any outer changes? Just a bigger smile on my face.

Light, Love, and Blessings.

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