This is a self improvement blog that is written by life coach Andrew Carlson. He mentors people in the Friends in Film program along with other people searching to find themselves. Make sure to subscribe for new posts, giveaways, and more!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Day Four & Five - Gratitude for Health & Money

As you read in my prior day four and five blog posts that they have to deal with health and money. If you want a detailed look at each day, make sure to go back to my posts about the days.

The past couple mornings are just like the others. I wake up, immediately write down 10 things I am grateful for and say thank you three times after each statement. I put my gratitude rock into my pj pocket and say thank you as I'm doing my morning routine. As I'm pouring my gingerbread tea, I'm repeating the words thank you. After every sip, I think "thank you". After every commercial on the morning television, I say thank you for my entertainment.

Throughout the whole day, I repeat thank you every time I remember to say it. Whether I get into a car, fill up my tank with gas, pay a bill, light a candle, get a glass of water, etc. I always make sure to say thank you.

I say thank you over 100 times per day and I truly feel gratitude in my heart. I make a strong effort to stay positive throughout the day and make sure if I'm sliding towards the negative, I do everything I can do change that.

So how did I do the past couple days? I'm getting so much better. Right now, as I type, I'm sitting in a dark candle lit room with a Christmas garland lighting up the arch between the kitchen and the living room. I'm sipping on some decadent eggnog while listening to the rain. What isn't there to be thankful for?! I'll show you a picture.

This whole day has just been productive. M and I went to multiple locations to get great dish ware and other essentials for our Thanksgiving holiday feast we will be hosting. We compiled a menu and sent out the invitations to friends that don't have family out here in Los Angeles. The holiday season gets to be lonely when family isn't present. It's what the holidays are all about, togetherness, and sometimes.. it just can't be done.

But I will tell you that I'm super grateful for M and her family. I may not be going to Minnesota this year because I can't afford an airplane ticket, but they made sure I wouldn't be alone. I'll be celebrating my Christmas with M and her family in Seattle. It will be fun to see where she grew up and what made her who she is.

With all that said, I'll show you what the menu looks like for Thanksgiving!

Make sure to call your loved ones this holiday season and never stop believing in the magic of the Universe.

Light, Love, and Blessings!


  1. That sounds delicious! And again, soo proud of you Andrew!! You're such an inspiration! Miss you!!
